
Quill Lyte

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Quill Lyte is an electrolyte for pigs & poultry to help prevent dehydration, replenish fluids & boosts energy.

  • Helps to maintain weight during transport
  • Glycine supports muscle mass development, weight gain & skin strength
  • Replaces lost body salts
  • Encourages water consumption - ideal during hot weather or at times of heat stress

    How to use:

    Add to drinking water; directly into drinkers, tanks or with a dosing pump. Use during hot weather, post vaccination and prior to transportation.

    Dilution rate 5 : 1000 (5ml of Quill Lyte per 1000ml water)

    We always recommend using a Hydrogen Peroxide water sanitiser like Quill Water-Pure when supplementing to prevent the build up of biofilm in waterlines. Not recommended for use at the same time as wormers or vaccinations in the water.

    Available sizes: 20L
    Suitable for: Poultry (Layers), Poultry (Broilers), Turkeys & Pigs


    Full guidance on the handling and safe storage of the product can be obtained from the safety data sheet including first aid measures and health and safety requirements.